Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One of the best pitchers in professional baseball has died and I'll bet you never heard of her !

Dottie Collins who pitched for the All American Girls League during the second world war has died at the age of 84. For you soccer fans out there - yes there really was a professional women's league at one time.

"Some four decades after she retired, Ms. Collins reflected on major-league ballplayers and said she was none too impressed in light of her feats. "I pitched and won both games of a doubleheader once pitching underhand," she told Susan E. Johnson in "When Women Played Hardball." "I think I could have pitched a doubleheader overhand, too," she said. "I don't think it would be that hard. Nowadays, the men can't do it, but hell, they can't do nothing.' "

I guess she was living proof that "there's no crying in baseball"- you can read it all here


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