Thursday, March 1, 2012

Diocese Names Final Slate of Bishop Nominees

From Pittsburgh-

The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh has completed the process of discerning who will stand for election as the next bishop of the diocese.

In a report to the Bishop, Standing Committee, and members of the diocese dated March 1, 2012, the Bishop Search/Nominating Committee identifies five priests on the final slate of nominees. The group includes those previously named by the committee to a preliminary slate, along with one additional nominee who qualified for the ballot during a designated period of nomination by petition. The five nominees are:

The Rev. Canon Michael N. Ambler, Jr., Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Bath, Maine;

The Rev. Dorsey W. M. McConnell, Rector of Church of the Redeemer, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts;

The Rev. Canon Scott T. Quinn, Rector of Church of the Nativity, Crafton, Pennsylvania;

The Rev. R. Stanley Runnels, Rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Missouri;

The Rev. Ruth Woodliff-Stanley, Rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Denver, Colorado.

More here-

1 comment:

Andy Muhl said...

Hi Jim+,

Great concept picture! I wish I had seen it before creating the report cover. It would have been on at least the first couple of drafts:)

ANdy Muhl