From The London Times-
A child of the vicarage, Colin James followed his father, Canon Charles Clement Hancock James, into the Church of England, attaining high office as successively Bishop of Basingstoke, then Wakefield and finally Winchester.
Colin Clement Walter James was born in 1926 and brought up in Cambridge where he attended the King’s College Choir School. Later, after school at Aldenham and service with the Navy, he returned to King’s as an undergraduate, taking his degree in history.
Ordination training at Cuddesdon was followed by a curacy in Stepney and three years as chaplain at Stowe School. From 1959 he spent eight years with the BBC as a religious affairs producer. Broadcasting and television were to remain a keen interest; James was chairman of the BBC and IBA Central Religious Advisory Committee from 1979 to 1984 and he served on several groups concerned with the media.
It was during his time with the BBC that he met and was married to Margaret (Sally) Henshaw, who greatly sustained him in his life and ministry.
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