From The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review-
School bus driver Carol Burkholder thinks it would be a sin to lose the Ten Commandments monument that has stood near the entrance of Connellsville Area Junior High for more than 50 years.
A sheet of plywood now covers the stone since its removal was requested by a parent and a national group that advocates church-state separation.
“I think most Christians in the area are very upset,” Burkholder said on Friday. “I think people need to stand up for what God has given us.”
In August, the Connellsville Area School District got two requests to remove the monument — one from Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the other from a parent through a Pittsburgh law firm, Superintendent Dan Lujetic said.
The district plans to comply — a move that is unpopular but necessary to avoid a costly lawsuit, he said.
“It’s been here since 1957, and now we have to remove it,” Lujetic said. “If we wanted to fight this, there’s no way we would win.”
The monument, donated by the Connellsville Fraternal Order of Eagles, may get a new home.
Pastor Nelson D. Confer of Connellsville Church of God said the church will decide on Sunday if it will accept a donation of the monument.
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