From Christian Post-
Amid strained relations, the Anglican Communion Covenant offers a promise of deeper fellowship and trust.
But divisive churches need to rescind actions that oppose the biblical design for marriage before adopting the Covenant, highlighted the Church in Southeast Asia.
The statement by the Province of South East Asia appears in a preamble to the Letter of Accession.
South East Asia became the fourth province to adopt the Covenant.
In the 3,215-word document, the province noted that tensions arose within the Anglican Communion as a consequence of certain controversial actions of North American churches.
In 2002, the Diocese of Westminster decided to authorise services for same-sex unions.
A year later, The Episcopal Church (TEC) consecrated a priest living in a committed, same-sex relationship as a bishop.
The decisions were made in spite of a resolution that was passed at an international Anglican consultation in 1998.
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