From Western New York-
Pomp and circumstance fit for royalty will mark the Rev. R. William Franklin’s formal introduction to the area this weekend, when he is consecrated and installed as the 11th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York.
But Franklin had been quietly making his presence known among area Episcopalians for several weeks in a more down-to-earth, typical Buffalo fashion—as a regular at various fish fry dinners during Lent.
“My goal was to try and meet everybody before April 30,” said Franklin, a Mississippi-born theologian and expert in church history who today succeeds the retiring
Bishop J. Michael Garrison.
Franklin has maintained an office at the diocesan headquarters in the Town of Tonawanda since Feb. 15, and he estimates he already has visited in some form or another about half of the 63 congregations in the seven- county diocese.
He’s attended weekend worship, weekday dinners with clergy, deanery committee meetings and, of course, those Friday fish fries — all in an effort to meet people.
“With the clergy, I just want to know their own journey of their life, and then I want to know what people’s hopes and dreams are for the diocese and for the region,” he said.
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