Leaders within The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of South Carolina are giving each other 30 days to decide where the lawsuit between the churches will go from here.
Wednesday’s ruling states that dozens of parishes that split with The Episcopal Church over theological issues, including the ordination of gay priests, cannot take valuable property with them.
Bishop Skip Adams with The Episcopal Church said a meeting was held Friday at Grace Church Cathedral with the Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, and Trustees, along with three bodies of clergy and non-ordained elected leaders to review the top court’s ruling on church property and assets from a breakaway group’s lawsuit against The Episcopal Church.
“We’ve found some clarity in the ruling at this point,” Adams said.
Reverend Jim Lewis, with the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina (the breakaway congregations), said they have until September 1 to make a decision on whether they would like to have the case reheard.
“We don’t believe this is the end of this matter by any stretch,” Lewis said.
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