From The Pittsburgh Tribune-
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church of Trauger has ended its relationship with the nation's largest Lutheran denomination in favor of the North American Lutheran Church in part over issues of same-sex marriage and relationships, including those that involve pastors.
St. Paul's pastor, the Rev. Mark Werner, said the break, which also involved broader questions of theology, came after two years of study and prayer. "We are moving on with our ministry," he said.
The 200 active members of the congregation voted on Sunday for the second time to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). For a breakup, two separate ballots are required under the ELCA constitution.
A North American Lutheran Church (NALC) official said 22 Pennsylvania churches have voted to sever their ties to the ELCA, including Lutheran churches in Berlin, Friedens and Hooversville, all in Somerset County, and Pittsburgh's Brighton Heights neighborhood.
The Rev. Gregory Held, pastor of the Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Export, said his congregation will vote in September on whether to leave the ELCA. He said the "option" of joining the NALC was still being debated.
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