From Australia-
Sydney's Anglicans have changed the marriage ceremony so the wife agrees to ''submit'' to her husband. People criticise the Sydney Anglicans for being out of touch, so how wonderful to see the success of Fifty Shades of Grey being so rapidly reflected in the service. The only question: will fluffy handcuffs now be a mandatory part of bridalwear?
Jocasta has never agreed to submit in her life, unless you're talking about her stationery receipts, in which case she is annually submissive, but only to the Australian Taxation Office. In all other matters, I deal with her as one would a madman wired with explosives.
I'm also unsure how this ''submission'' thing works in practice. If it means Jocasta can no longer criticise my method of driving from Leichhardt to Newtown via Petersham, rather than her preferred method of up Parramatta Road and then right on Missenden, then I'm all for it. I can just hear the words of discontent beginning to form as I turn right into Crystal Street - ''Not this way, again'' - quickly brought to an end with my barked command of ''Submit, woman, submit!''
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