Most cats just get nine lives. This British feline is aiming for immortality.
Doorkins Magnificat, a beloved, longtime resident of London’s Southwark Cathedral, is having a stone carving of her likeness installed in a wall on the north side of the centuries-old church building.
The addition, scheduled for Aug. 20, means that the cat’s memory will live on in the cathedral for decades to come.
The stone carving, called a corbel, is one of four designed by students at the City & Guilds of London Art School that will replace eroded corbels in the cathedral’s north side. The other three corbels depict the nearby Borough Market, suffragette Evelyn Sharp and Wayne Marques, a British police officer who was injured during the 2017 London Bridge terror attack.
The carving of Doorkins was created by Miriam Johnson, a student in Historic Carving at the art school.
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