As SCOTUS prepares to take up two high-profile gay marriage cases next week, NPR has a nifty timeline of the history of the debate.
The Anglican Communion has a new Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. His installation sermon calling for an end to fear is here.
Pope Francis wants to reenergize talks with Islam, which is something many Muslims are eager to do as well. Full text of Francis’ address to Vatican diplomats is here.
The everyman stories about Francis are legion (cooking his own meals, riding the bus), but here’s one more to add to the mix: he called to cancel his newspaper delivery in Argentina. ‘Cuz ya know, now he owns his own newspaper.
Did somebody say awkward? Francis takes a trip to Castel Gandolfo tomorrow to meet retired Pope Benedict XVI, the first time in a very long time when two guys in white both have the title “Pope” in front of their names.
File this under Not Gonna Happen: PETA wants Francis to “veganize” the Vatican.
Remember that Vatican crackdown on American nuns? Francis is from a religious order (the Jesuits) and NY Cardinal Timothy Dolan said that should help clear the air; Chicago Cardinal Francis George, meanwhile, says it may make it easier to tighten the screws.
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