From Christian Post-
If you talk about the rapture or salvation, or say you are blessed or favored, or let’s say you associate belief with doctrine, then you are likely just “speaking Christian” without knowing the real meaning of these terms, says an article on CNN’s belief blog.
“Have you told anyone ‘I’m born again?’ Have you ‘walked the aisle’ to ‘pray the prayer?’ Did you ever ‘name and claim’ something and, after getting it, announce, ‘I’m highly blessed and favored?’” asks CNN’s John Blake in his weekend article.
If this is you, Blake warns, “some Christian pastors and scholars have some bad news: You may not know what you’re talking about.”
The writer quotes two Christian professors to say that many contemporary Christians have become “pious parrots,” constantly repeating Christian phrases they do not understand or distort.
More here-
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