From Newark-
The Rev. Andrew Butler of Montclair's progressive St. John's Episcopal Church has been receiving hate mail, calling him a "damn fool" and saying that he has made a "mockery out of Christianity," because he decided to hold an interfaith worship service for both Muslims and Christians.
The Rev. Andrew Butler reads hate letters and emails against Muslims he received before and after he held a May 22 interfaith service at his church, St. John's Episcopal Church.
The May 22 service was intended to unite Christian and Muslim traditions and together worship God, Butler said.
But his efforts were met with hostility, when he received 10 written and typed letters, and a dozen emails, saying, "Your action was wrong," and "Muslims are not our friends."
"It's disturbing to me," Butler said. "It's disturbing, and shocking, and yet fascinating at the same time."
Butler said he has not received any direct threats.
The letters began arriving after Butler posted a release about the event on an online site operated by the Episcopal News Service. Some letters came from America's Midwest, and as far away as New Zealand, he said.
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