From The Telegraph-
The Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, known as one of the world's most conservative Anglican bishops, defended the new vow as an attempt to combat the destructive rise of egalitarianism and individualism.
He said the vow was "not an invitation to bossiness, let alone abuse".
"In the last three or four decades a certain egalitarianism has crept into society and the way people think and I understand that's the reigning philosophy," he told ABC television.
"I just happen to think it's wrong, unhelpful, and in the end we will find it's better to recognise that men and women are different, that we have at certain points different responsibilities and men will be better men if we acknowledge that."
The new ceremony, expected to be approved by the diocese of Sydney at its synod in October, requires the minister to ask the bride: "Will you honour and submit to him, as the church submits to Christ?". The bride then pledges "to love and submit" to her husband.
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