Good stuff from Canada
As celebrations of the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund’s 50th anniversary get under way, PWRDF representatives and Archbishop Fred Hiltz, primate of the Anglican Church of Canada, met with Jason Kenney, minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, to discuss the federal government’s support for one of PWRDF’s anniversary programs that will help parishes and dioceses across the country sponsor 50 refugee families.
PWRDF is providing about $2,000 for each family sponsored by a parish, and the federal agreement has agreed to match those funds. The exact amount will be pro-rated depending on the size of the family, says Carolyn Vanderlip, PWRDF’s 50th anniversary facilitator. “A larger family obviously is going to require more financial support, but it averages to $2,000 per family,” she said. Combined with the matching government funds, Ms. Vanderlip says the money should provide about three months of income support to each family.
PWRDF invited Mr. Kenney to come to General Synod offices in Toronto on April 24. “We want to establish a positive working relationship with the minister,” said Ms. Vanderlip.
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