I haven't had time to write, or finish, anything very serious this last week, since I was editing most of the time instead. But here are three stories which deserve to be brought to the attention of the immensely influential global readership of Cif belief:
☸ Trinity Wall Street, the richest parish in the Anglican Communion, likes to be at the cutting edge, too, and this year twittered a Good Friday Passion Play. The most surreal thing for me was noticing that one of the appreciative worshippers was called DavidStarkey.
☸ A church in Västerås, Sweden, unveiled a statue that has taken the congregation two years, and 30,000 little bits of plastic, to build: it's the one and only Lego Jesus.
☸ (Thanks to CzarnyKot in comments for this one) A Polish maths textbook, for primary school children, sets them the problem of discovering a formula which will drown all the Muslims on a boat and none of the Christians. It has been translated into four languages since 2004, and but no one seems to have noticed up till now, until a lay Catholic paper did.
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