Locals working to improve life in Ghana
Mercia Laryea can’t say enough about the improvements in her remote West African village since a group of Western Marylanders “adopted” it.
Laryea is a resident of Akramaman, a village about 2 1/2 hours by car from Accra, Ghana’s capital.
A new playground, funded by the Rotary Club of Westminster, Md., gives children a safe place to play, and a new preschool also is home to a summer literacy program.
Construction on a health outpost will begin in July and will include living quarters for nursing staff.
Bruce Neumann, a member of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Hagerstown, is leading a team of nine that will spend a week getting the health outpost project up and running.
A 2004 mission trip by the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland to Ghana to share a Christian leadership program called Cursillo was the beginning of the partnership. Bruce Neumann was a member of the mission team.
Debi Frock of Westminster was so touched by the need of Akramaman that in 2005, she started Ghanaian Mothers’ Hope Inc. (GMH), a nonprofit foundation. Neumann and his wife, the Rev. Rebekah Neumann, are on the GMH board of directors.
Frock said she got involved because of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, whose aim is to reduce poverty and its many related issues.
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