From Episcopal Life Online (I was there and in my opinion the video needs a car chase)
The role of young people, the fate of controversial resolutions and the effect of actions on the "people in the pews" were some of the topics discussed during an Internet broadcast, or webcast, May 13 with officers of General Convention, the Episcopal Church's triennial governing meeting.
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson, General Convention executive the Rev. Gregory Straub, and Bishop J. Jon Bruno of the host diocese of Los Angeles were the presenters.
The webcast, which was moderated by Neva Rae Fox, program officer for public affairs for the Episcopal Church, originated from Anaheim, California, where the convention will meet from July 8 to 17. Jefferts Schori began the webcast by invoking the convention theme, "ubuntu," a Zulu Xhosa word that is often translated as "I am because we are." "General Convention is a remarkable opportunity for Episcopalians and those who will be peering over our shoulders to see this church in action, in its way of having deep and vigorous conversation in community," said Jefferts Schori. "We never all agree about anything except that it is good to be together."
She said she looks forward to welcoming church members and visitors of every language and culture as well as ecumenical observers and guests from the Anglican Communion. "It's an opportunity for the world to see how we make decisions, in all of our incarnate messiness." Anderson pointed out the importance of General Convention to the church. "All other positions and bodies in the Episcopal Church derive their authority from General Convention," she said. "This General Convention is providing us with a unique opportunity to explore our mission together." The convention, she said, "will have time set aside to explore the question of the church's mission through a process called public narrative."
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