Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams will make a presentation addressing the world's economic crisis during a panel discussion webcast live July 8 from the Episcopal Church's 76th General Convention, scheduled to take place July 8-17 in Anaheim, California.
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson will host the event, to be called "Christian Faithfulness in the Global Economic Crisis" at the Anaheim Hilton from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (10:30 p.m. EDT).
"I am delighted that the General Convention will have the opportunity to focus on global economic issues and, in the process, consider how our stewardship may be exercised for the benefit of the larger world," said Jefferts Schori, who will provide an overview of the economic crisis and introduce Williams.
Following Williams' presentation, Anderson will moderate a panel discussion, including church center program staff:
• Dr. Stephen Dzisi, technical director for NetsforLife®, an Episcopal Relief and Development program partnership focused on malaria prevention in Africa.
• Sarah Eagle Heart, program officer for Native American/Indigenous Ministries.
• Michael Schut, economic and environmental affairs officer for the church and an environmental activist.
"For the Episcopal Church, the global economic crisis is also understood as a humanitarian crisis and the 76th General Convention is poised to accept the challenge and choose the side of the poor," Anderson said. "The General Convention theme is ubuntu -- a word that conveys the concept of interdependence – 'I am because you are.'"
General Convention, held every three years, is the bicameral governing body of the church, and the second largest legislative body in the world. It is comprised of the House of Bishops, with more than 200 members, and the House of Deputies, which includes about 850 lay and clergy representatives from the church's 110 dioceses.
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