From Episcopal News Service-
An amended version of Resolution D025, concerning Episcopal elections and the Anglican Communion, is expected to move to the House of Deputies despite a July 11 split committee vote, possibly as early as Monday.
D025 is among more than a dozen B033-related resolutions submitted for consideration during the 76th General Convention July 8-17 in Anaheim. The World Mission Legislative Committee (WMC) received 13 resolutions; a WMC subgroup designed to work on framing a resolution to offer for a convention vote, elected to amend D025 from among the 13 "as a template" from which to address B033, according to the Rev. Ian T. Douglas, a committee member designated to speak with media representatives.
B033, adopted by General Convention 2006, was widely regarded as a moratorium on consecrating gay bishops.
It called on standing committees and bishops with jurisdiction "to exercise restraint by not consenting to the consecration of any candidate to the episcopate whose manner of life presents a challenge to the wider church and will lead to further strains on the communion," which was assumed to pertain mainly to homosexual priests living opening in committed relationships.
B033 resolutions were assigned to the WMC because Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson thought a key question to be considered was "how do your decision in this church affect our sisters and brothers in Christ in the Anglican Communion" which falls under world mission, Douglas said.
Following a public hearing and several late-evening and early-morning sessions, a WMC subgroup offered an amended version July 11 for committee review and approval. After cordial discussion and revision, "perfecting the resolution and passed it handily" the vote split between the two houses -- with deputies voting 24-2 for approval and bishops rejecting it 3-2 -- appeared to come as a surprise.
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