From Episcopal Life-
One week from today, the Episcopal Church gathers for the 76th General Convention, a triennial legislative gathering that runs from July 8 to 17 in Anaheim, California.
At 8,000 to 10,000 total attendees, including exhibitors, visitors, guests and media, it’s one of the largest meetings in the country.
Technical staff from Church Center in New York traveled to Anaheim several days ago to begin setting up a computer network that will be as extensive as that at the main office. Digital communications staff are putting the final touches on an innovative website center called “the media hub,” where those both onsite and around the world can access the church’s family reunion.
Since the first gathering of convention in 1785, the church has examined its faith, both within the nature of the age and against its perception of timeless Christian truths. The light of worship and prayer balances the heat of legislative debate and voting.
Among the more-pressing matters in 2009: how the church supports its mission in a time of severe economic stress, how it views issues of human relationships such as marriage and homosexuality, how it relates to other churches and other faiths and what words and actions in liturgy best relate to our lives today.
All around the main business of convention swirls a kaleidoscope of activities: a huge and colorful hall with exhibitors from every conceivable corner of the church’s mission and those who help us live out our mission, a full children’s program, the concurrent Episcopal Church Women triennial meeting, a special event featuring Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.
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