From Palm Beach-
Isn’t it time the Catholic Church seriously considered allowing priests to marry?
Though it would do nothing to stop pedophile priests who enjoy the sexual company of little boys - grown women don’t do it for them - it would give those who like women the opportunity for a normal romantic and family life.
And, perhaps, the Church could then avoid such scandals as the one involving Rev. David Dueppen, an associate priest at St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in Pembroke Pines who’s on leave for allegedly impregnating his girlfriend, a former stripper.
Dueppen, 42, used to serve sacraments at the same Miami Beach parish as Rev. Alberto Cutie, the former Catholic priest who admitted fornicating with his girlfriend whom he later married. Cutie joined the Episcopal Church, which has the good sense to let its clerics enter holy matrimony.
The Archdiocese of Miami knew about Dueppen’s relationship with Beatrice Hernandez, according to a report in the Miami Herald. Three years ago, church officials paid her a settlement stemming from the affair. Hernandez said Dueppen couldn’t stay away and a year ago they rekindled their romance, which, she says, produced a baby girl - Marilyn Epiphany Hernandez.
Hernandez has a restraining order out on the priest and is suing him for child support. Meanwhile Father Duuppen isn’t talking on the advice of his lawyer.
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