From The London Telegraph-
Father Federico Lombardi, the Pope's official spokesman, spoke out following the recent announcement that the Pontiff would allow traditional Anglicans to "move to Rome" - which was seen as a possible shift in policy on the celibacy of priests.
In the Roman Catholic Church, priests are not allowed to marry or have sexual intercourse and Father Lombardi made his comments after the Vatican published a guide for Anglicans who want to convert called "The Apostolic Constitution".
Father Lombardi said: "This is not an initiative that came from the Holy See" but "a generous response by the Holy Father to the legitimate aspirations of some Anglican groups.
"It is not an initiative by the Pope to attract new members," he said, stressing that dialogue with the Anglican Church would not be affected.
He added: "The institution of this new structure is in full harmony with a commitment to ecumenical dialogue, which continues to be a priority for the Catholic Church."
The Apostolic Constitution or Anglicanorum Coetibus, to give it its official Latin title, allows Anglicans to become Catholics while retaining some of their traditions and practices.
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