From Massachusetts-
This Christmas, a new priest will be leading the mass at Christ Church in Hamilton. The Rev. Patrick Gray started his new job as Priest-in-Charge at Christ Church in Hamilton on Oct. 1. The former rector of Christ Church, Jurgen Liias, was called to the rector position at the Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church in Danvers.
Gray comes to Christ Church from seven years as associate rector of the Church of the Advent on Beacon Hill in Boston. Gray conveys the qualities of youth and energy, drawing people in with his smile and comfortable friendliness. His office, still in a state of transition, has the rare addition of a dove named Lovey-Dovey.
“She was in training to be a carrier pigeon,” explained Gray, “but she got lost and we adopted her.”
Despite growing up in Delaware, Gray is no stranger to area, as he received his BA from Gordon College in Wenham and his Master’s from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton. He received his Master of Sacred Theology (STM) degree from the General Theological Seminary in New York City. He and his wife, Naomi, were also resident docents at the Stephen Phillips house in Salem. Naomi Gray continues to work in historical museum settings as a member of the staff at the Historic New England headquarters in Boston. The Grays have been married for 17 years and have two children, Ezra, age 5, and Ella, age 2.
Gray said he was attracted to Christ Church because he knew the area and “knew the people” and respected their commitment to evangelicalism within the Episcopal Church.
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