From Religiosope-
In discussion with conservative Anglicans, Pope Benedict XVI drew up new guidelines in a document known as Anglicanorum Coetibus (or "Groups of Anglicans") which would make it easier for parishes and larger groups of disaffected Anglicans to convert to Catholicism. The agreement would allow for Anglicans to retain parts of their liturgy as well as establish "personal ordinariates," a structure similar to dioceses that would give them a measure of autonomy to preserve their traditions.
In early March, the Anglican Church in America, a U.S.-based denomination that broke off from the mainline Episcopal Church, voted to seek entry into the Catholic Church. "The House of Bishops requested the establishment of an Ordinariate in the US as prescribed in the Apostolic Constitution," that parishes could then join. There are 100 parishes in the ACA.
A member of the Traditional Anglican Communion, the ACA is the largest of several Anglican groups to seek group conversion into the Catholic Church. The United Kingdom branch of the Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC), a worldwide umbrella group of traditionalist Anglican churches, the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada, and the Australian branch of Forward in Faith, both conservative Anglican bodies, also accepted the Vatican's invitation.
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