From Connecticut-
The state will be the shining star of the Anglican Communion today when the Rev. Ian T. Douglas is consecrated the 15th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut.
Douglas sits on the Anglican Consultative Council, which represents Anglicans worldwide, so he is well known outside the Episcopal Church. He asked a friend, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, to be the preacher today.
Douglas, formerly professor of world mission at Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Mass., said his connections will benefit the diocese, and vice versa.
“I’m not afraid to call in favors around the world to help us in Connecticut,” he said recently. “I have a pretty good Rolodex that I would hope to utilize.”
As for his new flock, “The Diocese of Connecticut has so much to offer,” he said. “I think we need to be generously making those resources available to those beyond our boundaries.”
According to tradition, bishops are consecrated by having three other bishops lay hands on them, extending a succession said to go back to the Apostles.
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefforts Schori will be chief consecrator, joined by Bishop Michael Curry of North Carolina and Edward Little of northern Indiana. Douglas said he chose them because they are diverse in race, sex and theology, and so represent “the catholicity of the church.”
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