Monday, April 26, 2010

Grosse Pointe church temporarily removes rector

From Detroit-

The rector of Christ Church Grosse Pointe has been temporarily removed from his position because of a "serious allegation" that wasn't specified, congregants learned this morning.

Rev. Brad Whitaker has run the prominent Episcopal church since 2002.

A representative of the Episcopal Bishop of Michigan addressed worshippers at the 9 a.m. service, followed by remarks by vestry senior warden Libby Candler.

Two calls placed to the home phone number listed for Whitaker the rector were hung up.

"We have no comment at this time," church spokeswoman JoAnn Amicangelo said in an e-mail today.

The church was the site of Henry Ford II's funeral in 1987.

According to what was said at the service, the church governing body, the vestry, was told about the matter on Friday and sent out letters to parishoners.

Whitaker, who's married with three children according to the church's website, previously was the rector of Christ Church in Newton, N.J., and assistant to the rector at Holy Innocents' Church in Atlanta and St. Peter's in Rome, Ga. He graduated Young Harris College in northern Georgia, the University of Georgia and The General Theological Seminary in New York City.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whitaker has been deposed by the Diocese of East TN as of this month following undisclosed allegations. I wonder if the details of this were know to his most recent parish when they called him.