From The Living Church-
In welcoming remarks to the fourth Global South Encounter, both the current and recently retired archbishops of Nigeria referred to the turmoil of the Anglican Communion.
“Everyone thinks it is the other person who needs to repent, but it is all of us,” said the Most Rev. Nicholas Okoh in the conference’s first plenary address.
Okoh succeeded the Most Rev. Peter J. Akinola in March.
Turning to the theme of transformation, Okoh added: “We must reject the so-called ‘gospel’ which encourages a man or woman to remain and feel good and fulfilled in a state of sin from which he/she should seek gracious escape in Christ. But it must be emphasized that this transformation is not just a matter of personal devotion and piety. It must be made to affect individuals — building families and societies, especially fighting corruptions, poverty, despotic and greedy government, polygamy in Africa as well as serial monogamy elsewhere — some of whom make profession of faith.”
Similar themes appeared in a Participants’ Handbook and Journal.
“There is a battle going on in our beloved Communion and so there is a desperate need for an authentic and passionate proclamation of the truth of God,” Akinola wrote. “People are perishing and we dare not remain silent. We must proclaim the word that brings life and hope. I pray that we will have the inspiration and courage to do so.”
Leaders at the conference are “keenly aware of the current issues and deepening crisis and challenges facing our Communion,” wrote the Most Rev. John Chew, Archbishop of South East Asia, General Secretary of the Global South Primates Steering Committee and host of the international gathering. “There is no denying that these issues will inevitably be of great concerns in our minds, prayers and conversations. We have the challenge of how we will respond to the Anglican Covenant. It is important that we can share our respective views, even if we differ.”
The conference continues at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, until April 23.
1 comment:
Archbishop Chew and others, let me assure you that ¨sharing our views¨ regarding The Anglican Covenant or any other topic at The Anglican Communion can NOT be done be BREAKING COMMUNICATION in a self-selected fraternity (nor by refusing the Body and Blood of Christ in the privacy of ones own, selectively restricted, faux religious dining club).
All thy neighbors must be in the room to have a exchange of VIEWS otherwise you continue your outcasting in a vacuum of tiresome and imitation superiority.
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