From The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette- (Bless 'em Lou)
This is the weekend when many churches open their doors -- or at least their parking lots and gardens -- to all creatures, great and small. Animals are blessed on or near the Oct. 4 feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, Catholics' patron saint of animals, birds and ecology.
Pet blessings in honor of St. Francis have migrated into many Protestant churches, and nonreligious organizations have worked the saint into campaigns to save animals.
Our cocker spaniel was blessed last year at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Mt. Lebanon, and I think it did him a lot of good. Pablo, 5, has been healthy, happy, loyal and loving in the past 12 months, and I'm willing to give at least partial credit to St. Francis and the blessing bestowed by the Rev. Lou Hays, rector of St. Paul's.
Pets filled all the pews at St. Paul's last year. I counted more than 50 dogs, a few cats in carriers and a guinea pig named George. It was the first time St. Paul's had moved its annual animal blessing out of the garden and into the church. There was no barking, biting, hissing or fighting and no "potty accidents." Pets were remarkably well behaved as their people led them up the aisle to the front of the church, where each animal was individually blessed. It was one of the most touching church services I've ever attended.
More here-
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