From San Diego-
His scientific credentials are unassailable. His theological education and ordination as an Anglican cleric likewise cannot be questioned.
So why are the efforts of the Rev. John Polkinghorne to reconcile science and religion denigrated by some scientists and some believers?
“There are fundamentalists on both sides,” Polkinghorne said in an interview Tuesday at Point Loma Nazarene University. “I think both of them are wrong. I am in the middle. I want to take both science and religion appropriately seriously.”
San Diego County residents can hear Polkinghorne speak on “The Search for Truth in Science & Theology” at an 11 a.m. free public lecture Wednesday at the university, the last in a series of four talks.
Though perhaps not widely known here, the 80-year-old Polkinghorne is a leading figure in his home country of England in the discussion over the intersection of religion and science and beyond. He helped write the country’s guidelines on stem cell research and medical ethics.
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