From ELO-
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori joined leaders of other mainline Christian denominations in meeting with President Barack Obama on Nov. 1, the eve of the midterm U.S. elections, to express gratitude for his leadership and to address national and international issues of peace, justice and poverty.
"On All Saints' Day, it was very good to gather with the president to speak words of support for him as a leader, particularly his work on behalf of so many people on the margins," Jefferts Schori told ENS. "We expressed our concern for the divisive rhetoric so prevalent in our society today. We also expressed gratitude for his administration's concern for the poor and hungry, and our hopes for continued work on the economic situation in this nation, on Middle East peace, and on the travel ban and restrictions on religious work in Cuba."
The Christian leaders included members of the National Council of Churches, which represents 45 million people and 100,000 congregations in the United States, and the global humanitarian agency Church World Service.
The midterm elections, held near the midpoint of the four-year presidential term, will determine all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, and about a third of the 100 seats in the Senate. Furthermore, 34 of the 50 U.S. states will elect their governors.
Regardless of the outcome of the midterm elections "our faithful witness is needed now more than ever," said the Rev. Michael Kinnamon, NCC general secretary, according to a press release. "We cannot stand by while people of goodwill are baselessly attacked for their faith, their political beliefs, or their identity. We have no reason to fear or demonize those who are different from ourselves. Today, tomorrow, and into this next Congress, our country needs to come together and reclaim our values of justice and equality."
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