From Relief web-
On January 12, 2010, a devastating earthquake hit Haiti, leveling scores of buildings and claiming over 217,000 lives. At the center of major relief efforts was the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, the largest diocese of The Episcopal Church, and long-term partner of Episcopal Relief & Development. Led by the Rt. Rev. Jean Zaché Duracin, the Haitian Church has long provided programs and basic services in communities throughout the country. The Church in Haiti has a network of relationships that were essential to the rapid delivery of assistance and supplies after the earthquake.
In memory of lives lost and in honor of the ongoing work in Haiti, Episcopal Relief & Development is releasing a report outlining the accomplishments of the past year. Through the generosity of donors worldwide and in partnership with the Diocese of Haiti and its relief and development arm, CEDDISEC (Centre Diocésain de Développement Intégré et de Secours), Episcopal Relief & Development has supported a wide variety of locally-led, community-based recovery projects.
"The Church of Haiti has been a key leader in the earthquake response," said Rob Radtke, President of Episcopal Relief & Development. "Bishop Duracin and dedicated members of the diocese have been working since the very early stages of rescue efforts to meet the needs of people who had lost everything. Now they are overseeing projects that are benefiting thousands of people. It has been a difficult year, and though there is still much to be done, there has been great progress."
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