From Missouri-
People of many faiths unite in prayer for healing the city of Joplin. The tornado tragedy of May 22 is drawing people together for an interfaith service of healing. The service will be Monday, May 30 at 6 p.m. at Joe Becker Stadium, located at 1301 East Third, Joplin, Mo.
Clergy and faith community leaders from a broad range of faith traditions will pray, read scripture, and speak during the service. Vocal music will be provided by Phi Mu Alpha, the men’s Music Fraternity of Pittsburg State University.
The service of healing will mark the eighth day since the city was divided in half by a swath of destruction just before 6 p.m. on May 22.
The physical destruction, caused by an EF 5 tornado that claimed more than 132 lives and injured at least 900 people, caused just as much spiritual and emotional damage. The eighth day is associated with a new week, the beginning of creation, and a new hope. The public is invited to experience this interfaith journey of spiritual healing and hope. People of faith will unite together to begin the work of resurrecting the city of Joplin.
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