From Pittsburgh
The Search/Nominating Committee and the people of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh of the Episcopal Church prayerfully offer this profile in hope that persons considering a call to our diocese, or persons considering the name of a potential candidate to submit, will learn about us and our values, our experiences, our hopes, and what we discern to be what God wills for the eighth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh.
The committee will receive names until September 30, 2011.
The committee will make recommendations for the slate to the Standing Committee on or before January 15, 2012, and there is a canonical provision for nomination by petition thereafter.
Please prayerfully consider if you or someone you know might be a good fit. Read the profile carefully before you submit a name. Should you have questions please contact Dana M. Phillips, Nomination Committee Chair, at dphillips@episcopalpgh.org
We ask your continued prayers for this search process – for the search and transition committees, for those who submit names, for those whose names are submitted.
The profile can be found here-
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