From the Living Church-
The Diocese of Upper South Carolina approved a resolution Oct. 22 asking Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and Bishop Mark J. Lawrence to “come together in person at a mutually convenient time and place in order to strengthen the bonds of our community” and “engage in healing conversation regarding the ongoing tensions between The Episcopal Church and the Diocese of South Carolina.”
The resolution asks that the Rt. Rev. Andrew Waldo, eighth Bishop of Upper South Carolina, hand-deliver a copy of the resolution to both Bishop Lawrence and Bishop Jefferts Schori.
“The resolution passed very, very easily,” said Sally McKay, who oversees communication for the diocese. “Somebody suggested adding the Diocese of South Carolina and the Presiding Bishop to our diocesan cycle of prayer. It was a friendly amendment that everyone decided was not necessary.”
Upper South Carolina’s resolution follows a guest column Bishop Waldo wrote in The State newspaper of Columbia, S.C.
“I consider Bishop Lawrence a friend and respected fellow-laborer in the vineyards of the Lord. I know him to be a loyal and faithful minister who seeks to raise valid and serious questions as to the theology, polity and structure of the Episcopal Church,” Waldo wrote.
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