From South Carolina-
Deep fried turkeys, pineapple covered baked ham, and pumpkin pie -- these were just a few of the items served on Wichman Street in Walterboro.
Four fryers bubbled with turkeys injected with hot sauce and garlic and cooked to perfection.
Gale Doggette hauled around a tray of ham and yelled "long line." People were already waiting to come into St. Jude's Episcopal Church for their annual Thanksgiving feast, free of charge.
Don't even think for a second Doggette or any other volunteers cut any corners with the meal.
"We put the brown sugar and everything in the sweet potatoes. We put the ham bones in the green beans and make homemade gravy. (We've) got pumpkin pie that's homemade, so we try our best to make it taste like what you've got when you're at home," she said.
The several Walterboro church members fed 900 people this year.
"We deliver probably 500 of them, people who are shut in or don't have any transportation, and we deliver to the whole county," Jim Doggette said.
The former Air Force colonel was armed with dozens of volunteers. The church and it's helpers have been serving the community for the last nine years and the turkeys and fixings had a very special ingredient.
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