From Florida-
Greg Brewer grew up in a family where his father went to the Catholic church and his mother went to the Baptist church. Neither seemed to fit Brewer. He tried other churches, and none of them seemed to speak to him either.
Brewer went to college thinking religion was for people who needed a crutch. A chance religious retreat with a college group changed his mind, and his life — forever.
Last week, Father Greg Brewer was elected the fourth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida. His consecration is March 24, 2012, when he takes over from Bishop John W. Howe, who is retiring.
"For me, it's another step in the adventure," said Brewer, 60.
Brewer is currently rector of Calvary-St. George's Church in New York City, a small, multicultural church in downtown Manhattan. He previously served as rector of the Church of the Good Samaritan, a growing, affluent congregation in suburban Philadelphia.
But for 16 years, Brewer was an Episcopalian priest in Central Florida. He was ordained into the priesthood in Winter Park after completing seminary in 1976 at 24. In Winter Park, he joined a group of young people called YES — Young Episcopal Singles — where he met Laura Lee Williams, an Orlando native. They've been married 30 years.
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