From Alabama-
I couldn't sleep for about two weeks after the move.
The horns, sirens, voices and general clattering of New York formed an undecipherable jumble of noise. It's amazing how much sound seeps through a window five floors above the street. I was used to the silence of an Alabama night and now all I could hear was noise. This posed a problem as it would be my family's home for the next several years while I was in seminary.
A funny thing happened after a few weeks of the noise. My ears adjusted. Soon, I didn't simply hear a bunch of racket. I heard the rhythm of life.
I could identify and decipher the different sounds. I heard people talking and the notes of songs playing on car radios. I could tell when the man who pushed a shopping cart around our neighborhood arrived to collect bottles in the alley, because I could pick out his voice.
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