From Alabama-
The Rt. Rev. John McKee Sloan was seated as 11th bishop of the Diocese of Alabama on Saturday, Jan. 7, at the Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham.
Officiating at the service was the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, who had presided at Sloan’s consecration in 2008.
The Rt. Rev. Henry N. Parsley Jr., the 10th bishop of Alabama, presented Sloan with the symbol of office, a silver-tipped crozier first carried by Alabama Bishop Richard Hooker Wilmer in the 19th century.
The Rt. Rev. Duncan Gray III, bishop of Mississippi, preached. He jokingly called Sloan, originally from Mississippi, a missionary to Alabama who “went native.”
Noting Sloan’s reputation as a storyteller, in the tradition of so many Mississippi authors, he called upon Sloan to continue telling the story of Christ and his people: “Who we are, where we come from, and what we are called to become.”
“Continue to tell the stories of human foibles and God’s holy and mysterious grace,” he concluded. “Tell the stories, my brother, so that the Word becomes flesh and dwells among us.”
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