From AllAfrica-
The programme for the first day of business began with devotions at which the Archbishop of Burundi, the Most Rev. Bernard Ntahoturi shared the 'double vision' of Jesus in relationship to the apostle Peter - 'Jesus looked at him and said... you will be'. As Jesus saw Peter's potential and value so we should, as followers of Jesus see the possibilities for transformation and the gifts in others.
Welcome remarks were received. The Bishop of Bujumbura, the Rt. Rev. Pie Ntukamazina extended an invitation to delegates to visit the Anglican Church of Burundi and strengthen unity through south to south partnership. The Archbishop, the Most Rev. Bernard Ntahoturi reiterated his welcome and particularly thanked the Primates for their prayers, support and the refuge given by neighbours to Burundian refugees during the conflict.
The Most Rev. Ian Ernest, Chair of CAPA among his opening remarks said "CAPA remains to be a facilitator and a powerful instrument that our provinces and dioceses may use to enhance the quality of their ministry. We all need each other." He looked forward to the Council as it sought to implement the resolutions that came out of the All African Bishops' Conference held in Entebbe, in August 2010. The challenge remains to empower and equip the Church as it seeks to address the needs and concerns of Africa.
Delegations from Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Sudan, DR Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Central Africa, the diocese of Egypt, Tanzania, West Africa, South Africa, Indian Ocean, were introduced and brought news and greetings from their respective Provinces.
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