From San Diego-
“The whole community (of Ocean Beach) will be changed,” Bishop Jim Mathes told a recent gathering of the Episcopal faithful from across the country.
At a recent “community gathering” in San Diego of roughly 300 Asian, Black, Latino and Native American clergy and laity from across the Episcopal Church was held. Organized through the Ethnic Ministries offices of the church, the agenda for the “New Community Gathering” included community engagement and mission focus.
During the meeting, they were welcomed by Bishop Jim Mathes of San Diego. It was reported via the Church’s press that Mathes stated:
“the diocese is also in the process of relocating its headquarters to the Ocean Beach area, where it currently provides 3,000 service contacts monthly in the form of 12-step groups, meals, legal and medical assistance, even haircuts.”
And it was reported that he continued to state:
“We’ve established mission and ministry there. Now we’re going to gather those who are being served and find their congregation,” he said.
More here-
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