Thursday, May 24, 2012

Becoming Episcopalian: Mass Exodus from the Catholic Church

From Chicago-

The National Catholic Reporter had a nice article breaking down the reasons why Catholics leave the church. About half because Protestants, and about half became unaffiliated. The article focused on the Protestant half, and in that, a portion became evangelical, and another portion joined some other mainline denomination. It's interesting seeing the statistics. (Hat tip to Episcopal Cafe for linking to it.)

It made me contemplate why I left.

So, Why did I leave?

That's a simple question, but it's difficult to articulate all the reasons. Faith is a strange thing, and changes in it are multifaceted. Some things I simply could not tolerate any longer. Some things my subconscious did not like, but it wasn't fully articulated or realized until after I was received into the Episcopal Church.

If you want the short answer, I left because the Church was becoming more intolerant at the cost of its loving messages.

If you want the long answer:

More here-

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