When he graduated from what was then St. Dominic Regional High School, Emile Henri Dube’s goal was to be a priest.
He just never thought it would take him more than 40 years to be ordained.
Dube, 60, was ordained a diocesan priest Saturday at Holy Family Church, 607 Sabattus St., by Bishop Richard J. Malone. He is one of two men who will to become priests this summer after years in other careers.
David Affleck, 62, will be ordained June 3 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Affleck, who lives in York with his wife, Katherine, served as a priest in the Episcopal Church for more than 20 years.
Dube served for 35 years as a brother in the Catholic order of Salesians of St. John Bosco, headquartered on the East Coast in New Rochelle, N.Y. During that time he worked in Columbus, Ohio, the Bahamas and Harlem in New York City, where he worked with at-risk youth, which is the mission of the Salesians. He also ran the youth ministry section for his order in Orange, N.J., and raised funds for the order’s international work.
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