It was quiet and below the radar, but immensely successful.
Following the 10:15 a.m. worship service on Sunday, the congregants of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church on Putney Road in Brattleboro celebrated the completion of their capital campaign and the beginning of building renovations.
"This has been a real testament of the faith of the people in their church," said Judith McBean, the co-chair, with Caroline Taylor-Olsen, of the building committee.
Mike Wilmott, the co-chair, with Gayle Potter, of the capital campaign, said nearly $770,000 was raised for the renovations -- money that came solely from the 225 or so congregants of St. Michael’s.
"We received some very substantial contributions from people who were not in a position to step up and give," he said.
Some made a one-time gift and others are taking up to five years to fulfill their pledges, said Wilmott.
"They are committed to the church and know it needs some improvements," he said.
The church needs about $30,000 more to meet its $800,000 goal, but Wilmott is confident "We’ll get there."
McBean said the project started as a "dreamcatcher," in which a master plan was developed to identify areas that could use some work.
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