His white robe gleaming under the bright sun, Rev. Steven R. Godfrey, rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Des Plaines, stood in his church’s parking lot Sunday surrounded by bikers and their motorcycles.
Accompanied by Eucharistic ministers Nancy Pardee and Nancy Modrow, he went to each bike and intoned, “Bless this bike and its riders, in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen,” tossing holy water on the vehicle.
After Godfrey blessed a number of the bikes and their riders, he went one step further, blessing a walker and its owner.
It was the church’s first Blessing of the Bikes ceremony. Not only did bikers from St. Martin’s attend the event, which also offered a post-blessing feast, but so did bikers from Willow Creek Community Church and its bikers’ group, the Highroad Riders.
“People get tired of groups that ride from bar to bar, so they look to the churches,” said Lucia Corcoran, one of the Highroad Riders.
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