From ENS-
After nearly eight years and three General Conventions, the Rev. Canon Gregory Straub, executive officer and secretary of General Convention, has announced his retirement effective Jan. 1, 2013, according to a press release from the church’s Office of Public Affairs.
“It has been a great privilege to serve the church and its governing bodies these past seven years,” Straub, 63, wrote in his resignation letter to Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings. “I shall long remember with fondness the many volunteers who staff our committees, commissions, agencies and boards with whom it has been my honor to work.”
Straub was appointed executive officer in 2005 by then-Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold and then-House of Deputies President the Very Rev. George Werner.
The executive officer oversees all aspects of the work of Episcopal Church governance, from site selection for the meetings of General Convention through supervision and funding of the work mandated by the convention, according to information here. The executive officer may also be elected to serve as the secretary of the House of Deputies and, if elected by both houses of General Convention, secretary of the General Convention.
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