Saturday, September 22, 2012

Amended women-bishops clause speaks of ‘respect’

From The Church Times-

CAMPAIGNERS for women bishops cautiously welcomed the amend­ment made to the draft legislation by the House of Bishops on Wednesday of last week. Traditionalist and con­servative Evangelical groups ex­pressed concern about the amend­ment.

The "Appleby amend­­ment" was suggested by the Revd Janet Appleby, a Team Vicar in the Willing­ton Team Min­is­try, and Vicar and Minis­ter in the Church of the Good Shep­herd Local Ecu­menical Pro­ject in Wallsend, Tyne & Wear; and it won "over­whelming sup­port" from the House of Bishops, the Arch­bishop of Canterbury said on Wednesday. The House welcomed "the simplicity of the new text, its em­phasis on respect, and the pro­cess of dia­logue with par­ishes that it will promote".

The wording states that the Code of Prac­tice attached to the Measure should cover "the selection of male bishops and male priests in a manner which re­spects the grounds on which Par­ochial Church Coun­cils issue Letters of Re­quest under sec­tion 3". Letters of Re­quest are the means where­by a parish could ask for a male priest or for episcopal oversight by some­one other than the diocesan bishop.

More here-‘respect’

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