Three-year-old Laird Bowser was logging community service hours Saturday at the Grace Episcopal Church gardens. He just didn't know it.
Laird spent the sunny morning helping his mother harvest cucumbers, shuffling handfuls of vegetables to a 5-gallon bucket at the end of the row. The Bowsers weren't taking the bucket home at the end of the day. Instead, every potato, bean and squash picked at the Day Road East church is donated to the Helpine House food bank.
Grace Church's plot produced more than 1,300 pounds of vegetables for Helpline this season. It's the largest contributing garden to the island food bank, but there are many more like it.
Helpline volunteer services manager Marilyn Gremse said the food bank has enjoyed a recent surge in donations from island gardeners. Contributions come from small farms, community pea patches and backyard planting boxes.
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