They will be praying for Justin this Sunday in parish churches around England. Justin Welby, currently Bishop of Durham, has been chosen to be the new Archbishop of Canterbury, leader of the worldwide Anglican communion — which includes America's Episcopal churches — a group of more than 80 million Christians.
It is one of the many quirks of the job that his surname will go when he puts the mitre on his head. He will be called Archbishop Justin by his bishops, priests, deacons and congregations. An odd bit of informality at odds with the responsibilities he is taking on. He is the 105th person to hold the position in a line that goes all the way back to St. Augustine, Apostle to the English, who is not the St. Augustine who prayed, "Grant me chastity … but not just yet." Although in some ways, Welby's life before becoming a churchman lives out that prayer. He was very worldly before putting on the collar.
Justin Welby is a son of privilege and connections. His father, Gavin, was a bootlegger during prohibition and made the acquaintance of the Kennedy family. It is reported that Gavin Welby introduced Jack Kennedy to his first mistress.
The new Archbishop's parents divorced when he was two, and his father dated Vanessa Redgrave for a while. His mother married Lord Williams of Elvel.
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