As chants of "Axios!" -- worthy -- filled Christ the Saviour Cathedral, a former research scientist who had become a Greek Orthodox priest and monk was ordained to lead the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA.
"I pray that God will grant me the faith, wisdom and love to lead the flock entrusted to me all the way to Paradise," newly consecrated Bishop Gregory of Nyssa, 55, told the packed cathedral. "I have come to this diocese to serve you the people, not to have you serve me."
But he also came to challenge them, listing five priorities that he said the church must focus on.
The first was the spiritual care and retention of its youth, which he said might require change at the parish level. Statistically "6 out of 10 Orthodox young people will abandon Orthodoxy," he told them. "We must address this or we will disappear."
The North Carolina native was ordained in 2007 and has spent much of his ministry as a traveling preacher, confessor, retreat leader and youth coordinator in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta, which covers the Southeast. He promised to spend the next two years visiting all 81 Carpatho-Russian parishes across 13 states and Canada.
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